The Last. Book is a projected installation designed for the Last. Bookstore. The purpose of this installation is to remind us the importance of books, yet embrace the shift from print to digital. It tells the story of The Last. Book, from the book’s perspective. The analog action of flipping the book activates a projection, versus a swipe or tap.
The size of the bookstand was based on a standard computer monitor. In parallel, the dimensions of the Last. Book was based on a standard book: 6×9 inches. The experience of being immersed in a book was taken into consideration towards the height of the installation. The story was written by me, from the Last. Book’s perspective; it tells the journey of the book being loved and then left behind. Correspondingly, all the imagery was inspired by classical stories such as Pride & Prejudice, Fahrenheit 451, Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, and more.
The Last. Book incorporates the Last. Bookstore’s identity, using gold foil and xeroxed imagery; all the images and typography were hand cut and treated. In terms of technicality, an infrared camera was used to detect each individual page to project the corresponding animation.